Human Rights Logo at re:publica Berlin
The Human Rights Logo will be represented at this year's re:publica in Berlin. Drop by and visit us if you get the chance. But most importantly: become part of our twittter wall with your own, personal message about human rights. From 2. - 4. May 2012, use #rp12 and #humanrightslogo and tweet what you have always wanted to tell the world about human rights. See
re:publica 2012
Germany's largest and most prominent conference on digital society attracts over 3,000 visitors and participants. Bloggers, internet activists and researchers meet in Berlin to listen to expert panels, discuss recent developments and exchange ideas.
This year's theme, ACT!ON is meant to represent the prominent role new media has been playing in social and political movements everywhere. It is to show that “the digital” has come to influence many parts of our daily lives and that it is about time we see how we can actively use these networks.